Cardio-Thoracic ratio: Widest diameter of the heart
compared to the widest internal diameter of the rib-cage.

Figure 1 Cardio-thoracic ratio
Sometime the Cardio-Thoracic ratio (CTR) is more
than 50 % but the heart is Normal, it can be possible due to extra-cardiac
causes of cardiac enlargement like:
Ø Portable
AP films
Ø Obesity
Ø Pregnant
Ø Ascities
Ø Straight
back syndrome
Ø Pectus excavatum
Figure 2 CTR >50 %
On the picture 2 we can see a heart that is larger
than 50 % of the CTR, but it is still normal, because there is an extra-cardiac
cause for the apparent cardiomegalic, on the lateral films we see the red arrow
point to the inward displacement of the lower sternum in a pectus excavatum deformity.
Also we can found the CTR less than 50 % but the
heart is abnormal.
Ø Obstruction
to Outflow of the ventricles
Ventricle hypertrophy
Ø “Must look at cardiac
Figure 3 CTR < 50 %
This is an example of heart which is less than 50 %
of the CTR in which the heart is still abnormal, yellow arrow show a
recognizable abnormal contour to the heart.
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